Well it has been a fun and eventful month of February. I brought in the new month by heading to the nearby penninsula of Samaná for a regional meeting of all volunteers in the Cibao region. The meeting was spiced up by taking the following day to go on a whale watch! It turns out that our North Atlantic Humpback whales come down here to this specific bay in the warmer waters of the Dominican Republic to mate. It was a good time to get to know other volunteers and enjoy a few days away. Samaná is so beautiful! The whales were very active too, we even saw one breaching. We went out in small motor boats, about the size of a Humpback whale, so it made it a little nerve wracking to see them jumping out of the water so close to where we were! Here are some photos:

That Friday all current volunteers were invited to the National Palace to meet the Vice President of the country! I really wish I had pictures of these things, but cameras were not allowed in the Palace and I´ve just been really lazy in general lately. They did, however, air the entire one-hour meeting of each volunteer shaking VP Albuquerque´s hand on National TV, some people in my community saw it and told me about it. (That was actually the second time I was on TV here, the first was during training when we helped out with a youth group trip to a national park.) It was a unique experience, its not easy to get into the National Palace.
On to the following week, and Livin´ la Vida Loca! That´s right, I saw Ricky Martin in concert! Friends, you´re probably thinking, “I just don´t know Joan anymore!”, but I´ll tell you, it was a blast. I´d never been to a pop music concert like that, it was an event for sure. Lots of choreographed dancing, and Ricky had a different outfit on for every song. I went with three other female (obviously) volunteers, and we danced like Americans from the bleachers and had a great time! When else could you see a concert like that for $8? I´m not kidding, that´s how much we paid...
This month things have really been coming together at my site. I´m finishing up my community diagnostic and it has been really interesting. I´ll post the results when I´m finished. With this project I am determining which projects I´m going to work on throughout the year. It was a great way to get to know the community and individual people more, and to really understand what I am doing and why.
After six months of living with host families, still pulling belongings out of my half-packed suitcase, I have FINALLY moved out on my own! I got a SWEET deal, renting my own house for under $80 per month, which comes mostly furnished, including a CD player, TV, and DVD player! (“Joan, are you sure you´re in the Peace Corps?”) Yes I know, it seems a little strange, but they came with the house, why should I complain? Actually as soon as I moved in I realized that the CD player doesn´t work, the DVD player won´t play burnt CDs, and the TV is black and white. Plus, the power is still out half the time, so I still have to deal with that. The owner lives in Spain. I knew her mother, so she suggested that I rent the house. It has two bedrooms, a nice kitchen, a bathroom, and a storage unit for water. I stayed there for the first time last night, and though it was a little scary getting used to all of the new sounds, it was so nice to wake up to a cool morning in my own bed! It rained a little on Saturday when I was cleaning, so I got to hear the rain on my tin roof for the first time. ("Tiiiiiiin ROOF! Rusted.") Here are some photos, I´m so excited!