July 4th - I get a call from Bianca, fellow volunteer and great friend who lives somewhat close to me two hours away on the north coast. She asks what I am doing for Independence Day. Having forgotten almost entirely about this holiday (thanks to this lack of marketing and no difference between summer and any other season), I agreed that we should do something. The only logical thing that comes to mind is to have some people over your house for a cookout. But how would I find a grill in a country that doesn’t barbeque? As fate would have it, I have an American neighbor, a retired rancher from Colorado named Harry, who has got just about every piece of equipment you could ever dream of. Against all odds of PCDR, I obtained a grill from Harry for this day. Bianca came over and we splurged on hot dogs and hamburger meat. I invited some of my closest friends and their families and we had a true family cookout! It was a great taste of home. Well, I wouldn’t say it tasted great, I royally screwed up the hamburgers, having a hard time getting those coals burning the way they should. You can see the disappointment on their faces as they watched in disbelief at just how bad a cook I can be:
Now you see it...
...now you don´t!
Also at the Sala de Tarea was a volunteer from Ohio named Betha (see above, right). She came in for six weeks to help out at the Sala, teaching and playing with the kids. She helped with the fundraising as well as the campaign to get people their birth certificates. It was nice to have another American around that I could complain to for a while (I still do that!). Hopefully she enjoyed her time here!
July 7th – I proposed the idea and helped organize a baby shower for my good friend Jenny. She is the one I lived with during my first three months in my site. It was a success – she never suspected a thing and was totally surprised. Look at her reaction!
More scenes from the baby shower. By the way, the Spanish translation for baby shower is “baby shower”:
July 25th – The baby is born! My “niece”, Angela Julianny. People often name their kids after themselves, many times combing names of the parents. In this case, Julio + Jenny = Julianny. Pronounced like the old mayor of New York. She is so tiny and white, here’s a photo:
July 8 – 14th – The new editor of the “Gringo Grita”, the Peace Corps magazine for the DR, steps into position. It was a busy busy week with lots of commas and hyphens and references to the dictionary to check our slowly fading knowledge of English, along with all of the technical problems that come along with this type of work. (What would copy and design be without computer glitches?) In the end I lost a lot of hair but we turned out a great issue. My good friends Bianca and Margo came on board to help, and they were great, with lots of creative ideas and way more energy than I had. I´ll put a link up to the PDF if I can figure out how to do it.
July 23 – 27, Camp GLOW – Thank you so much to everyone who donated, your money went a long way! The girls camp, Camp GLOW, was a big success. It was a great opportunity for the girls to learn about a variety of sensitive topics in a comfortable environment, without the pressure of what the guys are thinking. The camp touched on teamwork, leadership, self-esteem, family planning, HIV/AIDS, nutrition, and more, along with fun activities. I gave a creative writing class and a salsa dance class. I brought two girls from my community, Reylandi and Argenis. Here we are in our cute pink t-shirts:
Pin the clitoris on the woman:
Learning how to put a condom on a plantain:
Will I do it again? Hell no. Was it great for the girls involved? Absolutely. Is Joan the “camper” type? No sir. I’m still trying to get the tree song out of my head, “E-I-E-I-O!”
July 30th – Fearing the worst, I took my youth group on a day trip. I worried for nothing – the day went great! We went to a natural fresh water pool about 45 minutes from where we live and spent the day swimming and dancing (there´s always dancing in this country). It was the first real activity that I did with my youth group. I was hoping for it to be a good strengthening activity to help shape the group and involve more people. It worked! Our regularly scheduled meeting last night brought in more people than ever, and everyone was so excited to talk about and plan our next activities. Here is a photo from the pool:
Hope you’re having a great summer!
Sounds like things are going well. Keep it up! Say hi to everyone for me.
Sounds like things are going well. keep it up! Say hi to everyone for me.
Dear Joan, what an upbeat entry!! I am sorry I was so negligent when you were younger, by not showing you how to put a condom on a plantain. Oh well, live and learn. Talk to you Sunday, Mum
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