Here is Jenny with her adorable son, Jose Miguel:

The living room - a couch!
Its a nice quiet neighborhood and comfortable town. It is small enough to walk around the main area in 20 minutes, but big enough to have around 15,000 people! (many of whom live in small communities outside the main center.) Its hard to believe there are so many people here because it really has that small-town feel. Though, if I need anything like Internet, a grocery store, etc, I can just come here to Nagua, a short ten-minute ride on a moto.
After a long night of packing that last night in Santo Domingo, I got up early the next day to move my luggage and meet my new partners in the capital's center. We had some meetings and information sessions, then took a long, uncomfortable ride in a pick up truck back to where I will be living. The trip from the capital to my site took about 5 hours, and by the time we arrived I just wanted to go to bed. But no! Not only was I meeting my new host family, but they had a big welcoming party there waiting for me. Everyone was really excited to meet me, it was really sweet, but it took a lot out of me to keep the energy up for that long! I've been catching up from it since then and now I'm worried that my family thinks I'm lazy because I sleep too much. Oh well, what can you do. They'll get to know me eventually.
So, this is it, I head back to the capital Sunday for my last week of training! We have three more days of information, then our "swearing-in" ceremony on Wednesday night, where we are officially welcomed as volunteers for the Peace Corps. After that its Thanksgiving (my first away from home : ( They do a special dinner and party for all of the volunteers in country), and an all-volunteer conference that Friday. On that weekend we move in officially! Its life as a Dominican now, no more American friends to run to, we're on our own from here on out. Scary! Wish me luck.
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